In December 2022, Congress and the president did what they do best—spend more money--$1.7 trillion. The spending includes $858 billion for the military, $772 billion for domestic priorities, another $45 billion for Ukraine, and oh, by the way, enough money to keep the government running until September 2023, which...
Tax Time—it’s one of those phrases that strikes fear in the hearts of even the strongest among us. It can send one spouse scurrying for cover while the other gathers and organizes tax documents. And vile words not heard during the rest of the year have been known to...
Customer service is mostly dead. It’s probably housed in the Smithsonian along with the T-Rex and TV rabbit ears. As technology has progressed and Millennials have come of age, we have been pushed, sometimes kicking and screaming, to conduct personal business online. The Social Security Administration is no exception. Call...
The IRS wants its tax money and it wants it now. Even if you pay all the taxes you owe when you file your tax return for the year, you’ll be charged an underpayment penalty if you didn’t pay enough taxes during the year. The provision to hire 87,000 new...
A really long time ago… in a galaxy far, far away… I worked for a building contractor. That experience taught me that every successful building project requires the right tools. And sometimes a project turns out just a little bit better because of a specialty tool, one with specific...
For approximately half of retirees, their Social Security check is just like the paycheck they received when working—they don’t get to keep all of it because it gets taxed by the IRS. If you’re single and your income is between $25,000-$34,000 you pay taxes on 50% of your benefit; above...
Here we are again in the final quarter of the year when thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and Christmas and… reviewing your financial house. Oh, that’s not on your list? Well, let’s put it there because financial issues cannot be on automatic pilot. Things change and you need to keep...
Hey! It’s just an IRA. What is there to know? You put money in and it’s a tax deduction, you get to take it out after 59 ½ without paying a penalty, and at 72 the IRS makes you take some out. What else could there be? In reality, there’s...
Mom and Dad told us working was a good thing. It may not have seemed like it as kids when they were trying to turn us into fully functioning, responsible adults. But later in life, we discovered it was true. Working gives a sense of pride and accomplishment. It makes...