
Medicare General Enrollment 2024

It’s time for another Medicare enrollment period. I know! From October into December, we were bombarded with what seems like a never-ending stream of...

Ask Bob: My Ex Gets How Much? (VIDEO)

An ex-spouse can get a Social Security benefit based on your work history. How much depends on how it's claimed. Alhambra's Bob Williams explains.

Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Social Security Income?

Every tax season, the same question arises from Americans receiving Social Security. “Do I have to pay taxes on...

Long-Term Care (VIDEO)

70% of adults age 65 and older will need some kind of long-term care. Paying for it can be...

Important Ages on the Retirement Planning Timeline

Retirement planning is one of those things you have to get right. It can make all the difference between...

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) from Inherited IRAs

At the very moment IRAs joined the retirement savings universe in 1974, so did Required Minimum Distributions (RMD). The...

20 IRA Mistakes

Hey! It’s just an IRA. What is there to know? You put money in and it’s a tax deduction,...

Taking Money from an IRA Without Penalty

The IRA is a great retirement savings vehicle; money grows on a tax-deferred basis and that’s a good thing....