Real Estate

Do Homebuilders Have An Inventory Problem?

Housing starts and building permits both rose in June: Building Permits Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in June were at a seasonally adjusted annual...

60,000 Real Estate Deals Fall Through in September 2022

This is the time of year when lots of folks have visions of warming their feet by the fire while the cold wind whistles...

We Have Reached The Silly Phase of the Bull Market

Have we entered a new bull market? Was the 35% pullback in the S&P 500 in March the fastest...

Beware of Accepted Wisdom

Most everyone has heard of the Chinese proverb – or curse – that wishes one to live in “interesting...

Like-Kind Exchange Deadline Extensions – IRS Notice 2020-23 Violates The Inviolate

By Rafael A. Perez, Esq., Partner at McArdle, Perez & Franco P.L. and Chief Compliance Officer at Alhambra Investments Introduction:...