Isn’t it what we all plan for? At some point in your life, you’ll stop working and enter “The Retirement Zone.” It will require income that may come from Social Security, retirement accounts, annuities, investments, or any number of sources. Yes, being a successful retiree requires planning. But you...
It’s just human nature. When we buy something, we want to pay the lowest price and get the best deal. That same principle applies to America’s seniors when they turn 65 and have to choose a Medicare Part D Prescription drug plan. The problem, though, is that choosing the...
Call me crazy, but if I’m dealing with an employee of a company, who has been trained by that company, then that person should know their stuff and be able give me good information and good advice.   Well, that’s not the case when you deal with the Social Security Administration....
Estate planning, for the most part, is about what happens when you die. Who do you want to get your stuff? How and when do you want your estate distributed? Who will be in charge of carrying out your wishes?   Estate plans can even contain instructions for your funeral and...
Oh, you’ve seen it. Things that used to be popular fade away as they’re replaced by something newer, shinier, flashier, or more high-tech. Things like the Walkman, Pet Rocks, and Fanny Packs now exist only in the land of extinction, next door to the island of misfit toys. But a...
When it comes to Medicare, what option is best for you—Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage (MA)? Many people are drawn to Medicare Advantage plans, sometimes knowns as all-in-one plans, because they often combine healthcare with vision, dental, hearing, and drug coverage, something Original Medicare doesn’t do. But the Office of...
What’s that I hear? It’s very faint, but it sounds familiar. I cup my hand around my ear to hear better and, yes, I’ve heard it before. In the distance, there are shouts of “Abolish the IRS. We want a Fair Tax.” The idea of a Fair Tax was first...
It’s called a “My Social Security” account. It’s often thought of as something for people getting Social Security benefits. In reality, there are positives for anyone who’s working and paying Social Security taxes.   Protect Your Social Security from Identity Thieves Once you set up a “My Social Security” account, you’re protected....
Celebrities are often placed on a pedestal because of their success and their extraordinary talent—people like Elvis, Aretha Franklin, Prince, Michael Jackson, Howard Hughes, Pablo Picasso, Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix. They were gifted and they made boat-loads of money doing what they did best. But making money has no...
There’s an ancient adage that says, There’s nothing new under the sun. And so it is with a phrase that began to emerge late in 2021—Quiet Quitting. It means employees show up for work putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary to collect a paycheck.   According...