No Place to Hide! Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun talks about the disastrous close to last week's market, its causes, and results.
You’re thinking about retirement. In fact, you’ve been thinking about it and planning for it a long time. One of the questions you have to answer is how much will it cost, not just to live, but to live the retirement lifestyle you’ve dreamed about. If you’re looking for the...
For months now, we’ve been told by the media and by friends and neighbors about all the ways people have been affected by COVID-19. But here’s one you may not have heard about—losing the family home after the death of parents or grandparents who were receiving Medicaid benefits for...
“Tower, this is Bill. I’m on the final approach to retirement and need landing instructions. Do you copy?” “Roger, Bill. Sending course corrections now. Then you are clear to land.”   Retirement is not something that just happens when you tell your employer goodbye and walk out the door. It’s a constant...
With the end of the year in sight, lots of plans are being made—what gifts to buy, what the menu will be, and how to shed the extra weight that will inevitably be acquired. But part of your holiday planning needs to include a year-end investment checkup so you...
Estate planning, like most other things, uses a vast array of tools to accomplish its goal. One of the tools is a trust. But there are more trusts, as the old farmer said, than you can shake a stick at—revocable, irrevocable, living, testamentary, charitable remainder, qualified domestic, special needs,...
Saying you need an estate plan is like saying you need to eat your vegetables. You know it’s good for you but there are other things you’d rather do. A survey by shows that in 2021, 25% of Americans ages 18-34 had some type of estate planning document,...
It’s called the survivor trap or widow’s penalty. It’s a financial monster that eats away retirement income after one spouse dies, often leaving the surviving spouse with no hope of the retirement they expected. Here are some of the pitfalls of the Survivor Trap. Loss of Social Security One of the...
Every vehicle in the world operates best with regular maintenance. A regular tune-up finds what’s still working well, what parts need to be replaced, and what changes are necessary to keep it running the way it’s supposed to. The same thing applies to your estate plan. Without a regular...
Alhambra's Bob Williams answers a question about collecting a Social Security Survivor Benefit on an ex-spouse's work history if you've been remarried after the divorce.