There’s a common misconception that Medicare is a simple, automatic process when you turn 65. Nothing could be further from the truth. The responsibility to enroll is on your shoulders, and if you miss deadlines or don’t enroll in just the right way, you can incur penalties that will...
For approximately half of retirees, their Social Security check is just like the paycheck they received when working—they don’t get to keep all of it because it gets taxed by the IRS. If you’re single and your income is between $25,000-$34,000 you pay taxes on 50% of your benefit; above...
It used to be that retirees who worked part-time did so because they had to—the widow who didn’t have enough money after her husband died or the couple whose only retirement income was Social Security. There’s a new category of retirees working part-time. They’re the ones who want to work,...
Alhambra's Bob Williams describes the difference between Common and Solemn Probate and the pros and cons of each.
It’s called a “My Social Security” account. It’s often thought of as something for people getting Social Security benefits. In reality, there are positives for anyone who’s working and paying Social Security taxes.   Protect Your Social Security from Identity Thieves Once you set up a “My Social Security” account, you’re protected....
Alhambra's Bob Williams answers a question about collecting a Social Security Survivor Benefit on an ex-spouse's work history if you've been remarried after the divorce.
For Americans born in the 1970’s and beyond, these are unprecedented times. For most Americans, these are uncertain times. For retirees, whose income is being assaulted by high inflation and loss of purchasing power, it’s unlucky and unfair, making them unhappy and forcing some into unretirement.   According to the Bureau...
How do you know if your financial adviser is acting in your best interest? It’s ashamed that the question even has to be asked—but it does. Are you truly working with a financial adviser, or are you dealing with a financial salesman? In its simplest form, a financial adviser is someone who places your...
Alhambra's Bob Williams answers the question of whether Domestic Partners qualify as married for Social Security Purposes.
There’s an ancient adage that says, There’s nothing new under the sun. And so it is with a phrase that began to emerge late in 2021—Quiet Quitting. It means employees show up for work putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary to collect a paycheck.   According...