The most frequently asked Social Security question I get is, “When should I claim my Social Security benefits?” Well, that’s a loaded question, because there are so many moving parts and everyone’s situation is different.  So, here are some considerations when you’re trying to figure out when is the...
Retirement is the time you want things to run smoothly. After all, you’ve spent a lifetime preparing for retirement—saving money, paying things off, having plenty of retirement income. The last thing you want is a notice from the IRS informing you that you’re going to be audited. Chances of an...
It’s no secret. Social Security is in trouble.  It’s been talked about by the American public for years and ignored by politicians who keep kicking the can down the road. For at least 20 years, statements similar to this one from 1981 have appeared on every annual Social Security...
Since the beginning of Social Security in 1935, a monthly Social Security check has become an expected part of retirement income for most Americans. And why not? Money has come out of your check every time you got paid and, supposedly, gone into the Social Security Trust Fund to...
As a long-forgotten TV detective used to say, “Just the facts Ma’am, just the facts.” In any discussion about Roth IRAs there can be lots of what for’s and how come’s and what if’s. But here, we’re going to look at basic Roth IRA facts to see if a...
Imagine this. You’re retired. You planned well. Your retirement income allows you to live a great life. Then, you get a letter saying your Medicare Part B premiums are going up 220%! After you pick yourself up off the floor and the panic has subsided a bit, you try...
The financial world is filled to the brim with planning—financial planning, estate planning, retirement planning, longevity planning—and that only scratches the surface. With all this focus on planning, there’s almost no discussion about—Parent Planning. Caring for elderly parents is a growing issue in the United States. A survey conducted by...