The end of the year is a financial opportunity—an opportunity to take advantage of remaining tax breaks and keep Uncle Sam’s hand from going deeper into your pocket than it has to, and an opportunity to clean up your portfolio and make sure your financial house is in order....
Healthcare during the senior years, especially the topic of long-term care, has been talked about and analyzed ad nauseam. And from all the research, one thing is clear. If you need long-term care, it will be expensive in both dollars and emotions.   Here are a few of the most recent...
You plan for it, you dream about it, you look forward to it. But are you ready for it? Will you have the kind of retirement you’ve always wanted, or are there still some nagging questions? The 2021 Retirement Readiness Survey from the Insured Retirement Institute found that one-third...
Finances, just like your body, can be sick or healthy. Both are important to your life and you need to pay attention to both. So, how do you take the temperature of your finances? Here are 11 steps to complete your own financial checkup from our friends at The...
Hear that sucking sound. It’s the rush of dollars coming out of the Social Security trust fund; you know, the fund set up to help retirees, the fund that’s been in trouble for years, the one the federal government has kicked down the road for decades. Yep, that one....
It’s not uncommon to see the flashing lights and hear the blaring siren of an ambulance rushing to someone’s aid or transporting them to the hospital for emergency treatment. And no matter whether the ambulance is operated by a private company or a government entity, they are an important...
Like most people, I don’t want to pay more taxes than necessary. That common-sense approach to money began when I got my first job at the age of 13. I was paid $1.50/hour, slightly above the $1.30 minimum wage. I calculated exactly how much my first paycheck would be....
Talk to anyone who’s about to go on Medicare and they’ll tell you that figuring out what plan to choose will make you pull your hair out (which is probably not covered by Medicare). There are so many things to consider, from drug coverage, to copays and coinsurance, emergency...
Alhambra's Bob Williams answers the question, "What do I do if I choose the wrong Medicare Plan?".
Alhambra's Bob Williams has a list of considerations to help you determine your perfect retirement age.