According to a Gallup poll, 51% of nonretired Americans don’t think they will have enough money to live comfortably in retirement. Retired Americans are more confident, with 78% saying that they have enough money to live comfortably. However, wherever you are on the spectrum, no matter if you are just starting to save for...
“I can’t wait to retire!” Have those words ever come out of your mouth? Oh, the thought of divorcing that demanding, unreasonable boss; doing what you want when you want; burning all the bridges you never intend to cross again. It’s the payoff for all those years of hard work. Unfortunately, the retirement dream we’ve...
If you’re approaching that magic age of 65, some things are about to change and you’ve got thinking to do, especially when it comes to Medicare. There are four enrollment periods and if you miss deadlines there could be penalties that cost you money for the rest of your life. And wouldn’t you...
In 2019, professional baseball player Bryce Harper signed the largest free-agent deal in the history of North American sports up to that time—$330 million dollars to play for the Philadelphia Phillies for 13 years. He had similar offers from the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants. But...
One quick glance at the interest rate your bank is paying on your hard-earned savings account balance and you'll turn green. Even though the Federal Reserve has been raising benchmark interest rates for the past three years, the big banks have not followed suit. They are the biggest beneficiaries...
Believe it or not, the penalty for failing to file a tax return exceeds the penalty for failing to pay your taxes. Filing an extension is a way to make sure you don’t fall into the bad graces of the Internal Revenue Service. I’ve talked to lots of folks who would rather give up...
Want to know how to be the best? Learn from the best. That’s what Lendingtree did when they looked at thousands of credit reports from people with a credit score of 801 or higher. They discovered some common financial threads among people with the best scores. On average, credit scores can range from a low...
If you have an IRA then you know that at age 70 ½ the government forces you to begin taking distributions so they can tax money that has, up to now, escaped their clutches. Most people use the Uniform Lifetime Table to figure their Required Minimum Distribution. Find your age, get the life expectancy factor and divide...
For the first time in U.S. history, more than 20% of retirement age workers are choosing to stay in the workforce. That’s more than double the number who made that decision in 1985, according to a new report from United Income. The reason is simple—they don’t have enough money. For...
Can you find happiness without giving up Social Security benefits? Millions of widowed and divorced baby boomers are finding love after loss and looking for guidance on how to update their financial plan to suit their new romantic status. According to financial writer Mary Beth Franklin, the good news is that surviving spouses have more claiming...