Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun explains why investors should follow the advice of the ancient Greeks and their Delphic Maxims.
Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun has an opinion on why the market was on a roller coaster after the Fed statement last week; There’s more than one way to calculate the 10/3 yield curve, and don’t put all you hope on a single market indicator.
No Place to Hide! Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun talks about the disastrous close to last week's market, its causes, and results.
Is the Fed Changing its mind about hike, hike, hike? Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun talks about the latest Fed headline, as well as a full slate of economic news this week and the inversion of the 10/3 yield curve.
Alhambra CEO Joe discusses a shift in the market the first week of the new year, as well as the dollar, a big miss on employment numbers, a high quits rate, and good export numbers.