Last week was one of the worst weeks in the history of the US stock market. Thursday’s plunge was the worst one-day loss other than the crash of 1987. Friday’s recovery was stunning as well but big rallies are typical of bear markets and that is, unfortunately, where we...
As I sit here Monday evening with the Dow having closed down 2000 points and the 10-year Treasury yield around 0.5%, the title of this update seems utterly ridiculous. With the new coronavirus still spreading and a collapse in oil prices threatening the entire shale oil industry, recession is now the expected outcome. Most...
How do you know if your financial adviser is acting in your best interest? It’s ashamed that the question even has to be asked—but it does. Are you truly working with a financial adviser, or are you dealing with a financial salesman? In its simplest form, a financial adviser is someone who places your...
I went to the crossroad, fell down on my kneesI went to the crossroad, fell down on my kneesasked the lord above "have mercy, now save poor bob, if you please"Yeoo, standin' at the crossroad, tried to flag a rideooo eee, i tried to flag a ridedidn't nobody seem...
Well it's that time of year again. Time to make your New Year's resolutions and get things back on track. January is as good a month as any to get started on a more disciplined and fulfilling path. Getting physically and fiscally fit both require similar approaches. You need...
The world has moved significantly toward freer markets since the 1970s but the outcome has been less than ideal. It is incumbent on the free market missionaries to explain why.
A short interview with Jeremy Siegel by Robert Huebscher in Advisor Perspectives. Siegel touches on a number of interesting topics: The US stock market is fairly cheap at 16 times next year's earnings - as long as interest rates are around 3%. The volatility we've been seeing lately is...
Howard Gold had an article last week at Marketwatch: Why is the US stock market weak? Because the economy is too strong. What does it mean for the economy to be "too strong"? Isn't growth supposed to be good for stocks? Gold's reasoning is that Fed tightening is driving up the...
I am not a fan of bitcoin and the myriad other cryptocurrencies. No, I'm sorry if you bought the hype, but these things have no intrinsic value and they are not currencies. Not now and not in the future, at least not in their current form. Governments are not...
One of the things I've been pondering lately is the possibility that we are in the midst of a regime shift. I'm not talking about a cyclical change but rather a long term, secular one. For all of my investing career - and for almost everyone's entire investing life...